February 2014 Dinner – Alan Oxley – Free Trade Agreements

The February 2014 Dinner will be Alan Oxley on “All these Free Trade Agreements? Would Adam Smith have approved?”

The Adam Smith Club will host a meeting on Tuesday the 4th of February 2014, at Bohéme Restaurant Bar, 368 Bridge Road, Richmond.

Alan Oxley is Chairman of the APEC Studies Centre at RMIT University and Principal of ITS Global, a consultancy which advises on trade, investment and sustainability. He was a former Ambassador to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the predecessor of the World Trade Organization. He is a regular commentator in the media and has published two books – “The Challenge of Free Trade” and “Seize the Future”. He is also Chairman of World Growth, a freemarket NGO.

February Dinner Invite & Laissez Faire 106

30th Anniversary Dinner – Ray Evans


The 30th Anniversary Dinner with guest speaker Ray Evans on “Adam Smith & the Propensity to Truck, Barter, & Exchange”

Thursday 11th April 2013 at Bohéme Restaurant Bar, 368 Bridge Road, Richmond

Ray Evans was educated at Melbourne High School (1953-56) and the University of Melbourne (1957- 1961), graduating in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. He worked in the SECV and then taught engineering at the Gordon Institute of Technology and Deakin University. He joined WMC in 1982 and was a co-founder of the H R Nicholls Society in 1986. He was awarded the Tasman Medal in 1996 and the Centenary Medal in 2001. He has written widely on political and cultural issues, most recently on the impacts of Environmentalism throughout the West, particularly with respect to the Global Warming Scam. He is secretary of The Lavoisier Group.
In this 30th Anniversary dinner of the Australian Adam Smith Club, Ray will discuss the influence of Adam Smith on free markets and individual liberty .

The 30th Anniversary Dinner invite and Laissez Faire Newsletter 104