April 2016 Dinner – Gary Johns – No Contraception: No Dole

Dr Gary Johns
No Contraception No Dole: Tackling intergenerational welfare

No Contraception - No Dole [Connor Court]
No Contraception – No Dole [Connor Court]

The Adam Smith Club will host a meeting on Tuesday the 12th of April, 2016 at Bohéme Restaurant Bar, 368 Bridge Road, Richmond. (invitation download below)

The Hon Dr Gary Johns served in the House of Representatives from 1987-1996, was Special Minister of State and Assistant Minister for Industrial Relations from 1993-1996 and was an Associate Commissioner of the Commonwealth Productivity Commission 2002-2004. He was for 10 years Senior Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs and a senior consultant with ACIL Tasman economic consultants from 2006-2009. In 2009 he was appointed Associate Professor of Public Policy at the Australian Catholic University’s Public Policy Institute. In 2012 he was appointed visiting fellow at QUT Business School.

Gary Johns will argue the case for his book “No Contraception No Dole: Tackling intergenerational
welfare”. It has created considerable controversy amongst the chattering classes and will be an
opportunity for those who attend to discuss the pros and cons with the author.

March 2016 issue – Laissez Faire with Gary Johns Dinner invitation – download here

Jun 2015 Dinner – Bernie Finn: Back in the Black Next Year?

The June 2015 Dinner will be Bernie Finn on “Back in the Black Next Year -Let’s Get Serious About Australia’s Future!”

MLC for Western Metro 2006-present, Member for the Seat of Tullamarine 1992-1999, Parliamentary Shadow Secretary for Autism Spectrum Disorder, electoral integrity, and Melbourne’s West, outspoken Parliamentarian on controversial issues such as global warming and abortion, former radio broadcaster, avid Richmond supporter and family man. With the recent release of the budget, Bernie Finn will address the Club on Australia’s finances and its future.

Jun 2015 Dinner Invite

July 2013 Dinner – Greg Melleuish

Cover of Greg Melluishs book
Cover of Greg Melluishs book

The July 2013 Dinner will be Greg Melleuish on “Australian Intellectuals:Their Strange History & Pathological Tendencies”

At Bohéme Restaurant Bar, 368 Bridge Road, Richmond on Wednesday the 17th of July 2013.

Why are Australian Intellectuals and academics so hostile to contemporary Australian life? Why do they so oftenhold disparaging views of their fellow Australians? This was not always the case. In the nineteenth century Australians of an intellectual disposition sought to work with their fellow Australians to build a better and freercountry. But from the end of the nineteenth century, beginning with the Bulletin an intellectual culture emerged which was adversarial in nature and increasingly hostile to the aspirations of ordinary Australians. This culture of intellectuals became embedded in key institutions,including the universities, the world of the arts and the ABC. It became a subculture isolated from mainstream Australia in intellectual ghettos. It is a world which bristles with hostility, negativity and nihilism. History has been a favoured domain for Australian intellectuals and theyheartedly condemn the Australian past and the Australian people. The only problem is that the more they blackenthe past the more they turn off students from studying history. The result is a real crisis in the study of the Australian past. The only way forward is a much more sober and sensible approach by intellectuals, especially in terms of appreciating our Western heritage.
Gregory Melleuish is an associate professor at the University of Wollongong where he teaches Ancient History, World History and Political Theory. He has published widely, especially in Australian intellectual history including Cultural Liberalism in Australia and The Power of Ideas.
Dinner Invite – July 2013 and Laissez Faire Newletter LF105